Netflix Statistix

Made by:

Netflix statistx is a program made by Students of the Avans Hogeschool.:

  • Ryan Groenewold (Student nummer 2128772)
  • Dennis Blokland (Student nummer 2136934)
  • Sjoerd Teunisse (Student nummer 2138921)

Assignment documents:

  • UML: Assignment/Netflix App (Final).pdf (View localy for optimal resolution)
  • DB Diagram: Assignment/DatabaseDiagram.png (View localy for optimal resolution)
  • DB script: Assignment/CreateDBSQL.txt (Used by auto provision as shown below)
  • Reflection: Assignment/Netflixstatistix_Toelichting_Reflectie.docx


  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (not yet tested with other versions)
  • IntelliJ IDEA


In Netflix Statistix\NetflixApp\src\DataStorageLayer\SqlServer\connectionString.txt set the first line to:


Where SERVERNAME is your DB Server host. PDF explainig connection Java with Microsoft SQL server


Don't worry about the red IDE error lines in the gif! They are for decoration purposes only. (They where a previous error of the last session. Don't worry) (Click image to extend)

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Steps we took

  • Make sure you've edited connectionString.txt like asked in the prerequisite.
  • Open the project in InteliJ IDEA.
  • Make sure your SQL server is turned on.
  • Setup mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre.jar as shown in pdf above. (pdf explaining connection with mssql)
  • Run the program from within InteliJ IDEA.
  • The program will detect if there is a database available the application can use.
  • If the program detected there isn't a database available. It'll ask if you want the program to automaticlly generate the tables.
  • If the program detected there isn't any data available in the database, it'll ask if you want some dummy data inserted.
  • Enjoy.