
My Weather APP

Primary LanguageJavaScript



IWeather is a weather web application developed using React, Tailwind CSS, Redux, and the OpenWeather API.


IWeather allows users to view weather information worldwide. Users can view the current weather conditions and forecasts for their desired locations.


  • Users can view the current weather conditions for their selected locations.
  • Users can view 5-day weather forecasts for their selected locations.
  • Weather information and forecasts are retrieved from the OpenWeather API.

How it Works

  1. Home Page: Users can input a city name on the home page to view the weather information.

  2. City Selection: Users can input a city name in the search bar to retrieve weather information and forecasts.

  3. Current Weather: Users can view the current weather conditions for their selected locations. This includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather description.

  4. 5-Day Forecasts: Users can view 5-day weather forecasts for their selected locations. Each day displays minimum and maximum temperatures, humidity, and weather description.

Technologies Used

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Tailwind: A CSS framework for quickly and easily styling user interfaces.
  • Redux: A JavaScript library for state management.
  • OpenWeather API: An API for retrieving weather data.

Getting Started

To get started with IWeather, simply visit our website at ıweather-app.vercel.app


  1. Clone this project:
git clone https://github.com/ErsaGunTosun/IWeather.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd IWeather
  1. Install the required packages:
npm install
  1. Create a .env File:

    • Create a new file named .env in the root directory of the project.
    • Open the .env file and add your REACT_APP_API_KEY="api key" , credentials, or any sensitive information needed for the project. Ensure this file is never shared or exposed publicly.
  2. Start the application:

npm run start

The application runs by default on http://localhost:3000.


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at ersagun@ersaguntosun.com .