Welcome to the world of JavaScript

Fork this repo to your own github repository, then clone it down to your computer.

In this project you have an empty HTML and JavaScript file. You'll keep the HTML file the same, and make all of your changes to the JavaScript file (script.js).

In script.js you'll see something like:

//1. print "5" to the console (post the code below)

//2. Print your name to the console


Write your code in between the lines, to make your file like this:

//1. print "5" to the console (post the code below)


//2. Print your name to the console

Once you have completed all of the challenges, commit your changes, push your changes to Github, and post a link to your repository in #webassignment5 on lambdaschool.slack.com (if you need an invite see https://lambdaschool.com/mini-bootcamp).

Good luck!