
VRChat related prefabs, notes, resources.

Primary LanguageShaderLabMIT LicenseMIT

Eremite's VRChat Stuff

Was this mess useful? https://ko-fi.com/eremite

This repo is here to contain a bunch of VRChat related notes, prefabs and demos. It serves both as a way of storing notes for myself and for showing friends/fellow creators how I go about certain things.

There are various README.md files sprinkled around the repo that have more information about the specific folder. Please refer to them for more detail.

WARNING: This is for SDK2 and will be deprecated soon. See the new repos:

How do I download this?

I've started trying to include a .unitypackage for most things I've considered finished.

However, the best way it to click the big green Clone or Download button near the top right and download a zip, then grab whatever you need. To avoid missing dependencies, you might want to just copy the entire Eremite folder to Assets/Eremite; that way the demo scenes work and anything shared between prefabs doesn't show up as missing.


Mostly done projects that are in a working state.

Ongoing Projects

  • Useful Meshes : Collection of meshes that Unity doesn't provide that I've found useful.

Utility Assets


Lots of stuff sprinkled throughout the repo. Feel free to explore around. Some of the things may be in various states of broken.

I'm also trying to address questions people have when starting out by making simple demos that can be referenced; this makes it much easier the second time I get asked the same question. :3