
Operation System as my Integrated Development Environment

Primary LanguageLua


Operation System as my Integrated Development Environment

Installation of Dev Tools

Git clone recursively

  1. ssh-keygen to generate an shh key if missing
  2. git clone --recursive-submodules <repo-SSH-address>

To get started on Fedora

sudo dnf update -y
sudo reboot
sudo dnf install -y ansible
ansible --version

On MacOS

Install Homebrew: https://brew.sh/

brew install ansible
ansible --version

Then install the essentials: zsh, oh-my-zsh, their plugins:

ansible-playbook -K install-essentials.yaml

Stow .dotfiles

sudo rm -rf ~/.zshrc
stow -d "{{ playbook_dir }}"/.dotfiles/target-home/ -t ~/ .
stow -d "{{ playbook_dir }}"/.dotfiles/alacritty-fedora/ -t ~/.config .
-- OR if you are on MAC
stow -d "{{ playbook_dir }}"/.dotfiles/alacritty-mac/ -t ~/.config .

ZSHRC might not work!

In some cases zsh doesn't get set as default shell with the current script, so you might need to set it as default manually



MacOs Alt-Tab plugin


Vimium browser plugin


My setup:

# In case of Mac
# map <c-t> createTab
# map <c-w> removeTab

map <c-o> goBack
map <c-i> goForward
unmap b
unmap B
unmap <c-B>
unmap <c-b>
unmap <c-p>

ASDF package manager


asdf plugin-add java
asdf list-all java
asdf install java zulu-17.42.x
asdf global java zulu-17.42.x
. ~/.asdf/plugins/java/set-java-home.zsh

Made Neovim useful for Java based on the following guides:


asdf plugin-add nodejs
asdf list-all nodejs
asdf install nodejs 18.x.y
asdf global nodejs 18.x.y
asdf plugin-add pnpm


Most important: make some corrections:

  1. asdf doesn't install the plugins, which is necessary for mason
  2. asdf might need to be installed by running its script manually
  3. alacritty should be installed automatically - but now you have to run its script
  4. stow-ing doesn't work automatically, because .zshrc file must be removed from the root5. FIX THE FOLLOWING:
 ervin@192  ~/Workspace/overcast/front-end  git worktree add feature/PLA-2419-markers-on-timeline-for-selection feature/PLA-2419-markers-on-timeline-for-selection
Preparing worktree (checking out 'feature/PLA-2419-markers-on-timeline-for-selection')
HEAD is now at f9e189fc PLA-2499: remove unused imports
hint: The '/home/ervin/Workspace/overcast/front-end/.bare/hooks/post-checkout' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable.
hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`.


Debug LSP

  • use showkey -a to debug key-combos
  • Check the log files. Use :LspLoga or :JdtShowLogs or open the log file manually. :lua print(vim.fn.stdpath('cache')) lists the path, there should be a lsp.log. You may have to increase the log level. See :help vim.lsp.set_log_level().
  • Remove Java Project Cache with :JdtWipeDataAndRestart
  • Debug plugin configuration inserting in the after lua files: print(vim.inspect(require('formatter.config').values.filetype))

For go, install the packages

asdf plugin-add golang
asdf list-all golnag
asdf install .....
asdf global golang ....

go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
go install github.com/segmentio/golines@latest

My Git workflow:

Use worktrees

  • use worktrees so that when you need to checkout, do a code-review for a colleague, you don't have to put away / stash you current work. You just change the directory!
  • use worktrees so that you can have a current feature branch that you are working on, and then another one, let's say, for reference

git worktree add reference devel git worktree add -f work devel

Name the worktree directories for example as: reference, review and work.

Use stacked branches with the git --update-refs option:


Use git rebase dev -i --update-refs to move a change down the stack

For Ocaml:


We don't use asdf for this because opam is the official package manager for Ocaml!

fedora: sudo dnf install -y opam
ubuntu: sudo apt install opam
mac: brew isntall opam
opam init
eval $(opam env)
ocaml -version
opam install dune merlin ocaml-lsp-server odoc ocamlformat utop dune-release

consider https://github.com/jpalardy/vim-slime for learning it is especially great! see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjhcmpimzSQ