
Implementation of Blind Searches and Heuristics at Knapsack problem

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


The Knapsack is a classical NP-Complete problem that consists of fullfilling a collection of limited size given a list of itens with determined sizes and values, trying to maximize the value inside the collection.

This project was made as the first assignment of the Artifcial Intelligence discipline ministred in the first semester of 2019 at the University of São Paulo Campus São Carlos.

This project was originally developed by:

Augusto Ribeiro (https://github.com/GuttinRibeiro)
Bruno Arantes (https://github.com/brunoaamello)
Estevam Arantes (https://github.com/Es7evam)
Henrique Andrews (https://github.com/AndrewsHPM)
Henry Suzukawa (https://github.com/HSuzu)
Osmar Chen (https://github.com/osmarchen)
Tiago Toledo Jr (https://github.com/TNanukem)

Description and Objectives

The main objective of this assignment is to use blind-searches and heuristic searches in order to find a solution to our problem.