
H5P Laravel demo

Primary LanguagePHP

H5P Laravel implementation demo

Working demo

This project is deployed on docker - available at https://h5p-laravel-demo.stage.etd24.pl/

You can deploy your own demo on heroku clicking on the link below



This project is a standard Laravel project, there are multiple ways to install it on your machine. Below is one that use Laravel Sail - Laravel's default Docker development environment

Unless you have sail alias created use ./vendor/bin/sail where sail below.

  1. Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:EscolaLMS/h5p-laravel-demo.git
  2. Launch project with sail up -d
  3. Install dependencies sail composer install
  4. Migrate and seed all the essential database data sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  5. Create a storage link sail artisan storage:link
  6. Create h5p storage link sail artisan h5p:storage-link

Instead of step by step installation you could try with one command

make restart

Open the app at http://localhost and login with default credentials

Using the app

You need to be login to be using the app, once you have user token you're able to

  • Install h5p libraries from h5p.org with the visual hub
  • Create h5p content from the libraries
  • Upload h5p content from reused apps that use h5p format (like h5p.org)
  • Preview h5p created content

All of the features are available thought REST API, there are no blade templates of using server side rendering H5PIntegration global js variable, this is a different approach then moodle, drupal and wordpress h5p plugins.

Demo API and Frontend is working on the same domain, which is not what escolalms/headless-h5p was build for, yet this is just an simples example showing the features this library have.

In order to have API working headlessly you need to provide valid CORS settings, ale fonts should be set with correct headers, which must be set on server level.

Deploying on heroku

There is Procfile already in the repo. Once you deploy and build on heroku login to console and run commands in heroku.sh scripts.

heroku ps:exec --dyno=web.1 -a h5p-laravel-demo bash then run ./heroku.sh