Reserved Folders


The place for your entry point into the application; usually ‘index.js’ or ‘app.js’. I tend to use app for full applications and index for libraries and packages. The package.json and .gitignore also go at this level, with any root level configurations for supporting dev tools, such as linting and testing. If you are working with a build tool like Travis, you will probably need a file for that at the root level too.


All source code for the component should go within this folder. The index.js or app.js should as much as possible just call into these files and not have any code of its own. This is also the folder where pre transpiled code should sit before being output to the folder through a tool like Babel or using a module bundler like Webpack.


The root directory for websites and for anything else that is exposed publically. Contains static resource files, such as images and transpiled files such as js.


Reserved for the distribution of files, which does not leverage npm. For example, this may be a transpiled and minimised script to be uploaded to a CDN.


Integration tests. Folder name based on the convention for unit test folders in Jest and extended to have int_ at the start.


Jest mocks for node_modules


Unit tests. Folder name based on the convention for unit test folders in Jest.


For coverage results of unit tests.


For repo documentation, which has usually been manually created. Contains gifs and other files that might be needed for the documentation.


For documentation that is automatically generated by jsdoc or other tools.


Contains all supporting scripts for the component, such as shell scripts for CI and AWS CloudFormation scripts for CD. Folder contains child folders for different types of scripts. For example ‘/scripts/deployments’ for deployment scripts.
