Setup scripts and configs for my computers.
Shell scripts for setting up a new Mac, using homebrew as the "package manager".
Shell profile for oh-my-zsh, which includes my custom shell aliases and functions,
which should be copied to ~/.zshrc
Powershell script for setting up a new Windows machine, using choco as the "package manager".
Bash profile for Git Bash (for Windows),
which should be copied to ~/.bashrc
Powershell script which in turns runs a shell script to setup Ubuntu for Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Bash profile
Configs for various code formatting and linting tools that I use regularly. The dot prefix has been removed from some of the files here, so they are easier to interact with in Finder for example.
- Python: pyproject.toml for Black and Ruff (combining flake8, isort and others)
- C++: .clang-format and .clang-tidy
- Rust: .rustfmt.toml
- Ruby: .rubocop.yml for rubocop
- Primarily for Fastlane
- Pre-commit: .pre-commit-config.yaml
- Editorconfig: .editorconfig