
This project aims to use machine learning models to classify the credit score of individuals based on their financial history, demographic information, and other relevant features.


We are using the Credit Score Classification dataset from Kaggle. You can find the dataset here.


To start off install and setup conda on your pc.We will be using conda to setup the virtual environment for the entire project to manage all your project dependencies. After installation navigate to the directory where your cloned repo is located.

Run the following command to create a virtual environment

conda create -p <name_of_your_env> python==3.11.7 -y

After creation run the following command to activate the environment.

conda activate <name_of_your_env>

To install all the required dependencies run the following command.

conda install --file requirements.txt


To add a new package to the project use the command.

conda install package_name

After adding the package run the following command to append the new package to "requirements.txt".

conda list --export | grep -v '^#' > requirements.txt