
Create a RESTful API with Django REST

Primary LanguagePython


Create a secure RESTful API using Django REST


clone repository locally

git clone https://github.com/nasr-edine/P10_drai_nasr-edine.git

Move to the P10_drai_nasr-edine root folder with:

cd P10_drai_nasr-edine

Create a virtual environment in root folder of project

python3 -m venv env

Activate virtual environment

source ./env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make Migration

django mm


django m

You can create a super user in command line:

django csu


Run the Django Server:

django r

Access to API documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5359695/TzscpSp5

Folder Structure

├── tracking_system_project/     # django project folder
├── setup.cfg                    # customise rules for flake8
├── projects/                    # Content project app
├── issues/                      # Content issues app
├── requirements.txt             # dependencies for this project
└── README.md