
Description :

GameOver is a gaming platform website that allows users to browse games from different categories and play them online. The website is built using HTML, SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React.js, Redux-Toolkit and Gaming API for state management. One of the advantages of GameOver is that it uses only one component for each dropdown menu, with the sub-item being displayed in the component by sending the ID to the URL path. Additionally, there is one method to fetch data for all components with different endpoints, making it easy to manage the data. The website also includes authentication (login-register) with validation, protected routing, and videos that are displayed when you hover over any game.


Register then log in to save your favorite games and view them later. Browse games from the All page or by selecting by platforms, sort-by or category from the dropdown menu. Hover over a game to watch its video. Click on a game to view its details page that includes (description - linkToPlay - screenShoots - requirements ...)



Live-Demo :

Github-Repo :

Contact If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the GameOver development team at