
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is an Amazon Clone website built using React.js, designed to mimic the functionality and user interface of the popular e-commerce platform, Amazon. The application provides a seamless shopping experience, with features that include user authentication, product browsing, and shopping cart management.

Features User Authentication:

User registration and login functionalities. registration with email and password and verify email - login - reset password with Email verification and update (email-name-password) / with firebase - Authentication

Profile management, including the ability to update personal information and view order history. Product Catalog:

Dynamic product listing with detailed product information. Product search functionality to quickly find desired items. Category and subcategory filtering for a more refined browsing experience. Shopping Cart:

Add, remove, and update quantities of products in the cart. Persistent shopping cart using local storage. Real-time price calculation and updates. Checkout Process:

Step-by-step guided checkout process. Integration with payment gateways for secure transactions. Order summary and confirmation page. Admin Panel:

Admin login and authentication. Product management (add, edit, delete products). Order management (view and update order statuses). Responsive Design:

Mobile-first design approach. Fully responsive layout for optimal viewing on all devices. Technologies Used Frontend:

React.js: For building the user interface. Redux: For state management. React Router: For navigation. Axios: For making HTTP requests. Material-UI: For responsive and modern UI components. Backend:

Node.js and Express: For building the RESTful API. MongoDB: For database management. JWT: For user authentication. Stripe API: For handling payments.