
This project is created to provide a Python class providing most of the syntax to be used by developers to automate Netscreen FW configuration (policies, create addresses, read addresses,...) working on an offline configuration copy) limiting the impact on performance and live nodes.

Primary LanguagePython


This project is created to provide a Python class providing most of the syntax to be used by developers to automate Netscreen FW configuration (policies, create addresses, read addresses,...) working on an offline configuration copy) limiting the impact on performance and live nodes.

How To Use

To clone and run the examples you'll need:

From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/EslamHosney/Netscreen_FW_Offline.git

# Go into the repository

# Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# use the below syntax to import Netscreen class to be used
from Netscreen_FW import Netscreen


  • Install python dependencies
  • create an object from Netscreen class with teh required data to be used in your code
  firewall = Netscreen(name,ip,username,password,ReadFile('FW_Name.txt'),ReadFile('FW_Name_routes.txt'))

name,ip,username,password no manadatory could be replaced by empty str "" given the _configurationfile.txt and the _routes.txt are provided extract_firewall_config could be used to extract firewall configuration


Tested on:

  • Windows X 10
  • python 2.7
  • FortiOS 6.0

It should work on different environments, just keep in mind the versions above.