This App shows an infinite list of popular people in the tv industry and some basic information about them with a list of profile images if availble.
- View List of popular people with Pagination.
- View Person Details Page.
- Grid list of Person Images.
- View Person's Image in Full screen.
- Save images to Gallary.
- Kotlin, Extension Functions
- Dagger-Hilt for dependency injection -- Docs
- MVVM architectural pattern
- Retrofit + OkHttp
- Coroutines + Flow
- LiveData - ViewModels
- Registering callbacks for an Activity Results -- Docs
- Unit Tests, Mockito
- Ui Testing , Espresso
- if the app gets bigger it might be better to do those things.
- Converting Activities into
with one main activity or more depending on the scenarios. - Using
Navigation Component
with SafeArgs to handle Data communication between them. - Adding a
with common functionalties.