Here is a link to a YouTube Demo Video for this app.
A Node.js Template Engine that forms a directory of work team members. The Template Engine's code utilizes Object Oriented Programming. The project also contains a test directory containing test.js files that utilize Jest.
Deployed website: Here is a link to a deployed website built using this Template Engine
The Template Engine requires installation of Node.js. Dependencies also include Inquirer, and Jest for testing. Users must also have access to an IDE such as Visual Studio Code with access to the terminal or access to GitBash/Command Line Interface to run Node.
To use the Template Engine, install and run: "node app.js" in the terminal, and answer the prompts. After the prompts are answered, open the team.html file from the "output" directory.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
EsmondKim (