This is a Learning Management System (LMS) written in C++. It aims to manage students' academic records by allowing instructors to input and import students' personal information, GPA grades, and course statistics, and then perform various operations on the data such as calculating grades, normalizing grades, and generating reports.
- Two user modes: student and instructor
- Student mode: displays the student's personal information and grades
- Instructor mode: displays a menu with several options such as importing student data, importing GPA grades, normalizing grades, and creating a CSV file of all the student data.
- Uses object-oriented programming principles with a "student" class to store and manage student data.
- Multiple functions to handle different aspects of the LMS, such as opening and creating files, calculating and normalizing grades, generating statistics, and creating a CSV file.
- Start the program.
- Choose between student or instructor mode.
- In student mode, input the personal ID to display the student's information and grades.
- In instructor mode, choose from the menu to perform operations on the student data.
- Exit the program.
- Eslam S Rady - Email address
- GitHub - GitHub profile link
- LinkedIn - LinkedIn profile link
This is a basic LMS system and may require further development to be more robust and scalable. Contributions are welcome, and issues can be reported through the project's Github issue tracker.