
Script that generates individual astrological calendar of transits

Primary LanguagePython


AstroCalendar of transits (months)

transit_calendar.py - script that generates individual astrological calendar of transits for every given month.

Running the script (default parameters): python3 transit_calendar.py -i inputs/input_transit_calendar_2022.zbs

Running the script (with additional parameters): python3 transit_calendar.py -i inputs/input_transit_calendar_2022.zbs -t 31 -e 3 -c 0 -b 1.2 -a 3

  • -t -> time period in days (default is 31 days)
  • -e 3 -> expand transit orb to 3 degrees (default is 1)
  • -c 0 -> transits to all cusps (default - only transits to Asc/MC)
  • -b 1.2 -> expand orb of natal aspects by 20%
  • -a 3 -> use a different set of aspects (default is [0,60,90,120,180])

AstroCalendar of transits (years)

transit_calendar_years.py - script that generates individual astrological calendar of transits for a period of time in years.

Running the script (default parameters): python3 transit_calendar_years.py -i inputs/input_transit_calendar_years.zbs

Running the script (with additional parameters): python3 transit_calendar_years.py -i inputs/input_transit_calendar_years.zbs -t 5 -e 3 -c 0

  • -t -> time period, 5 years (default is 10 years)
  • -e 3 -> expand transit orb to 3 degrees
  • -c 0 -> transits to all cusps

AstroCalendar of directions (years)

directi_calendar.py - script that generates individual astrological calendar of transits for a period of time in years.

Running the script (default parameters): python3 directi_calendar.py -i inputs/input_directi_calendar_years.zbs

AstroCalendar of progressions (days=years)

progression_calendar.py - script that generates individual astrological calendar of progressions.

Running the script (default parameters): python3 progression_calendar.py -i inputs/input_progressions.zbs


util.py (provided) from Morinus