
Play with ChatGPT-Web and found the HTML rendering in description settings. [Add Custom js and html in the XSS payload to enhanced ChatGPT-Web]

Primary LanguageHTML


Play with ChatGPT-Web and found the HTML rendering in description settings.


  1. Download repo.
  2. Editing the test.html as you want
  3. If you want restore, check the raw_content.html
  4. Editing the test.js if you need
  5. Using command python crafted.py
  6. Copy the generated string as setting in description
  7. (Optional) Click the Errored image to fast export the json based Chat History.


Step 6 Looks like:

And Save it.

Enjoy the chatGPT and have fun!

Also ChatGPT-Web is a cool project. Respect for the author.