
Debian based docker image for https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


docker-janus is a Debian 8 based docker image for Meetecho's Janus Gateway


All the janus docker builds I have seen in hub.docker.com were all ubuntu based and/or of some redhat flavor. I successfully build janus in debian 7 and 8 before, so I thought it would be a good way to practice docker best practices and provide a debian based image at the same time.

For the automated build go to hub.docker.com

You can use this image directly from hub.docker.com by issuing the following docker commands:

docker pull mcroth/docker-janus:latest

Many thanks for meetecho for providing us Janus Gateway!

I have tried to build the image with docker best practices at hand. Should there be anything of note you notices, please do not hesitate to leave a comment!


root@mcroth:~/sandbox# git clone https://github.com/krull/docker-janus.git
Cloning into 'docker-janus'...
remote: Counting objects: 69, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53/53), done.
remote: Total 69 (delta 19), reused 59 (delta 13), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (69/69), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
root@mcroth:~/sandbox# cd docker-janus/
root@mcroth:~/sandbox/docker-janus# docker-compose up -d
Creating network "dockerjanus_front-tier" with driver "bridge"
Creating network "dockerjanus_back-tier" with driver "bridge"
Pulling janus-gateway (mcroth/docker-janus:latest)...
latest: Pulling from mcroth/docker-janus
43c265008fae: Pull complete
9ee7f339f682: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:2ad4234b7255b52150d06ac231edff635102fa47c90f714b66ae37885f9f64d3
Status: Downloaded newer image for mcroth/docker-janus:latest
Creating janus-gateway
root@mcroth:~/sandbox/docker-janus# docker-compose ps
    Name              Command          State                       Ports                      
janus-gateway   /opt/janus/bin/janus   Up>8088/tcp,>8188/tcp 
root@mcroth:~/sandbox/docker-janus# docker images
REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
mcroth/docker-janus   latest              1dd697edcb76        23 minutes ago      232.9 MB

Visiting http://localhost:8080/janus/info in your browser should provide you with the build info of janus in JSON format.

A full set of default janus config files are in ./janus folder, which is referenced as a volume in the docker-compose.yml file for docker-compose to use.

build criteria

janus-gateway is built with the following configured options disabled, as I do not have the need for them to be enabled by default:

./configure --prefix=/opt/janus --enable-post-processing --disable-docs --disable-boringssl --disable-mqtt --disable-rabbitmq

##default build There is a Makefile, with some directives on building janus. Have a look at that file and check the options. Issuing a make will run the default build with the options set below.

DataChannels support:      yes
BoringSSL (no OpenSSL):    no
Recordings post-processor: yes
TURN REST API client:      yes
Doxygen documentation:     no
    REST (HTTP/HTTPS):     yes
    WebSockets:            yes (new API)
    RabbitMQ:              no
    MQTT:                  no
    Unix Sockets:          yes
    Echo Test:             yes
    Streaming:             yes
    Video Call:            yes
    SIP Gateway:           yes
    Audio Bridge:          yes
    Video Room:            yes
    Voice Mail:            yes
    Record&Play:           yes
    Text Room:             yes

##docker build --build-arg --build-arg provides away to override some build runtime arguments. Have a look at the Dockerfile for the ARG arguments to override.

Example build with rabbitmq, paho-mqtt, boringssl enabled, and data-channels disabled:

root@mcroth:~/sandbox/docker-janus# docker build --build-arg JANUS_WITH_BORINGSSL=1 --build-arg JANUS_WITH_PAHOMQTT=1 --build-arg JANUS_WITH_RABBITMQ=1 --build-arg JANUS_WITH_DATACHANNELS=0 -t mcroth/docker-janus:latest .