
CLI tool that allows for more productive sessions online by blocking certain websites

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Espacio-root/zen.git ~/

  1. Install dependencies:
python3 -m venv ~/zen/venv
source ~/zen/venv/activate
pip install mitmproxy

3)Replace [user] with your username in script.sh and zen.service file:

  1. Execute the following code as super user:
sudo chmod +x ~/zen/startup.sh
sudo cp zen.service /etc/systemd/system/zen.service
sudo systemctl enable zen.service
sudo systemctl start zen.service
  1. Configure the browser (firefox):

i) Open firefox settings and search for proxy ii) Click on the settings button that shows up iii) Select Manual Proxy Configuration iv) Set the proxy to be and port to be 8080 v) Click on Ok