
Adds customization options to Slimefun4

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This Slimefun4 addon allows any server owner to add their own custom Slimefun machines!

Build Server


Want to see what SlimeCustomizer can do? Visit play.royale-mc.com and take a look at their custom items! All showcase image credits go to Azakaturan.

Category Electric Ingot Factory IV Heated Redstone Charcoal Kiln Heated Carbon Press

Reporting bugs

Please report all bugs in the issue tracker.

How to use SlimeCustomizer

Installing the plugin
  1. Download SlimeCustomizer via the Slimefun repo server
  2. Move the downloaded jar (SlimeCustomizer - DEV ... .jar) to your plugins folder, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins
  3. Start the server to generate the proper configuration files
  4. Stop the server
Adding your category
  1. Open the categories.yml file, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins\SlimeCustomizer The table below explains what each key does.
  category-name: "&cSlimeCustomizer"
  category-item: REDSTONE_LAMP
Key Description
slime_customizer The ID of the category. You can change this key!
category-name The name of the category that shows in the Slimefun guide.
category-item The vanilla material ID or skull hash of the item that this category will use in the Slimefun guide.
Adding your item
  1. Open the items.yml file, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins\SlimeCustomizer The table below explains what each key does.
  category: slime_customizer
  item-type: CUSTOM
  item-name: "&bExample Item"
  - "&7This is an example item!"
  - "&cSlimeCustomizer now supports multiline lore!"
  item-id: STICK
  item-amount: 1
  placeable: false
  crafting-recipe-type: ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE
      type: VANILLA
      id: STICK
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: STICK
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
Key Description Acceptable Inputs
EXAMPLE_ITEM The ID of the item. You can change this key!
category The key of the category that this item will be under in the Slimefun guide.
item-type The type of item that you are registering. CUSTOM (You define the name, lore, and type), SAVEDITEM (Load key from saveditems folder)
item-name The name of the item.
item-lore The lore of the item.
item-id The vanilla ID or skull hash of the material this item will use.
item-amount The amount of this item crafted at once.
placeable If the item is placeable or not. DO NOT MAKE TOOLS PLACEABLE!
crafting-recipe-type The multiblock machine that this item will be crafted in. ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE, MAGIC_WORKBENCH, ARMOR_FORGE, COMPRESSOR, PRESSURE_CHAMBER, SMELTERY, ORE_CRUSHER, GRIND_STONE, NONE (Can not be crafted with multiblocks)
crafting-recipe.#.type The type of item. NONE (Empty spot, all other fields will be ignored), SLIMEFUN, SAVEDITEM
crafting-recipe.#.id The id of the item.
crafting-recipe.#.amount The amount of the item.

These items CAN be used in your custom machines/generators as well! All registered CUSTOM items can be referred to with their id under the type SLIMEFUN. If you want to use an item inside items.yml as a crafting component for another item, it the crafting component must be registered beforehand.

Slimefun items are tagged with a key in their metadata so that they are recognized by Slimefun. To make sure that your SAVEDITEMs do not have conflicts if they need to be recognized by other plugins, this tag is removed. CUSTOM items still have this tag. Because of this, using /sf give on a SAVEDITEM may interfere with other plugins since it will be tagged. To get the untagged version of this item, use /sc give instead.

Adding your machine
  1. Open the machines.yml file, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins\SlimeCustomizer The table below explains what each key does.
  category: slime_customizer
  machine-name: "&bExample Machine"
  - "&7This is an example machine!"
  block-type: FURNACE
  progress-bar-item: FLINT_AND_STEEL
    energy-consumption: 16
    energy-buffer: 64
  crafting-recipe-type: ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: SLIMEFUN
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      speed-in-seconds: 5
          type: VANILLA
          id: IRON_INGOT
          amount: 9
          type: NONE
          id: N/A
          amount: 1
          type: VANILLA
          id: IRON_BLOCK
          amount: 1
          type: NONE
          id: N/A
          amount: 1
      speed-in-seconds: 5
          type: SLIMEFUN
          id: GOLD_24K
          amount: 9
          type: NONE
          id: N/A
          amount: 1
          type: SLIMEFUN
          id: GOLD_24K_BLOCK
          amount: 1
          type: NONE
          id: N/A
          amount: 1
Key Description Acceptable Inputs
EXAMPLE_MACHINE The ID of the machine. You can change this key!
category The key of the category that this item will be under in the Slimefun guide.
machine-name The name of the machine.
machine-lore The lore of the machine.
block-type The vanilla ID or skull hash of the material this item will use.
progress-bar-item The vanilla ID of the progress bar item.
stats.energy-consumption The amount of energy consumed by this machine per Slimefun tick.
stats.energy-buffer The amount of energy that can be stored in this machine.
crafting-recipe-type The multiblock machine that this item will be crafted in. ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE, MAGIC_WORKBENCH, ARMOR_FORGE, COMPRESSOR, PRESSURE_CHAMBER, SMELTERY, ORE_CRUSHER, GRIND_STONE, NONE (Can not be crafted with multiblocks)
crafting-recipe.#.type The type of item. NONE (Empty spot, all other fields will be ignored), VANILLA, SLIMEFUN, SAVEDITEM
crafting-recipe.#.id The id of the item based on the type.
crafting-recipe.#.amount The amount of the item to use in the recipe. Enhanced Crafting Table only accepts 1.
recipes.#.speed-in-seconds The time it takes for the recipe to complete.
recipes.#.input/output.#.type The type of item. NONE (Empty spot, all other fields will be ignored), VANILLA, SLIMEFUN, SAVEDITEM
recipes.#.input/output.#.id The id of the item based on the type.
recipes.#.input/output.#.amount The amount of items.

There can as many recipes as you want, but only be 2 inputs and 2 outputs for each recipe

Adding your generator
  1. Open the generators.yml file, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins\SlimeCustomizer The table below explains what each key does.
  category: slime_customizer
  generator-name: "&bExample Generator"
  - "&7This is an example generator!"
  block-type: SKULLe707c7f6c3a056a377d4120028405fdd09acfcd5ae804bfde0f653be866afe39
  progress-bar-item: FLINT_AND_STEEL
    energy-production: 16
    energy-buffer: 64
  crafting-recipe-type: ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: SLIMEFUN
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      time-in-seconds: 5
        type: VANILLA
        id: SPRUCE_SIGN
        amount: 1
        type: NONE
        id: N/A
        amount: N/A
      time-in-seconds: 10
        type: VANILLA
        id: BEDROCK
        amount: 1
        type: VANILLA
        id: BIRCH_PLANKS
        amount: 1
Key Description Acceptable Inputs
EXAMPLE_GENERATOR The ID of the generator. You can change this key!
category The key of the category that this item will be under in the Slimefun guide.
generator-name The name of the generator.
generator-lore The lore of the generator.
block-type The vanilla ID or skull hash of the material this item will use.
progress-bar-item The vanilla ID of the progress bar item.
stats.energy-production The amount of energy produced by this generator per Slimefun tick.
stats.energy-buffer The amount of energy that can be stored in this machine.
crafting-recipe-type The multiblock machine that this item will be crafted in. ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE, MAGIC_WORKBENCH, ARMOR_FORGE, COMPRESSOR, PRESSURE_CHAMBER, SMELTERY, ORE_CRUSHER, GRIND_STONE, NONE (Can not be crafted with multiblocks)
crafting-recipe.#.type The type of item. NONE (Empty spot, all other fields will be ignored), VANILLA, SLIMEFUN, SAVEDITEM
crafting-recipe.#.id The id of the item based on the type.
crafting-recipe.#.amount The amount of the item to use in the recipe. Enhanced Crafting Table only accepts 1.
recipes.#.time-in-seconds The time it takes for the recipe to complete.
recipes.#.input/output.type The type of item. NONE (Empty spot, all other fields will be ignored), VANILLA, SLIMEFUN, SAVEDITEM
recipes.#.input/output.id The id of the item based on the type.
recipes.#.input/output.amount The amount of items.
Adding your solar generator
  1. Open the solar-generators.yml file, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins\SlimeCustomizer The table below explains what each key does.
  category: slime_customizer
  generator-name: "&bExample Solar Generator"
  - "&7This is an example solar generator!"
      day: 256
      night: 128
  crafting-recipe-type: ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE
      type: VANILLA
      id: BEDROCK
      amount: 1
      type: NONE
      id: N/A
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: BEDROCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: SLIMEFUN
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
      type: VANILLA
      id: IRON_BLOCK
      amount: 1
Key Description Acceptable Inputs
EXAMPLE_SOLAR_GENERATOR The ID of the generator. You can change this key!
category The key of the category that this item will be under in the Slimefun guide.
generator-name The name of the generator.
generator-lore The lore of the generator.
block-type The vanilla ID or skull hash of the material this item will use.
stats.energy-production.day The amount of energy produced by this generator per Slimefun tick during daytime.
stats.energy-production.day The amount of energy produced by this generator per Slimefun tick during nighttime.
crafting-recipe-type The multiblock machine that this item will be crafted in. ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE, MAGIC_WORKBENCH, ARMOR_FORGE, COMPRESSOR, PRESSURE_CHAMBER, SMELTERY, ORE_CRUSHER, GRIND_STONE, NONE (Can not be crafted with multiblocks)
crafting-recipe.#.type The type of item. NONE (Empty spot, all other fields will be ignored), VANILLA, SLIMEFUN, SAVEDITEM
crafting-recipe.#.id The id of the item based on the type.
crafting-recipe.#.amount The amount of the item to use in the recipe. Enhanced Crafting Table only accepts 1.
Adding your mob drops
  1. Open the mob-drops.yml file, located at \<YOUR_SERVER_LOCATION>\plugins\SlimeCustomizer The table below explains what each key does.
#READ THE WIKI BEFORE CREATING AN ITEM! https://github.com/NCBPFluffyBear/SlimeCustomizer/blob/master/README.md
  category: slime_customizer
  item-type: CUSTOM
  item-name: "&bExample Drop"
    - "&7This is an example mob-drop!"
    - "&cExample drops are not obtainable"
  item-id: STICK
  item-amount: 1
  mob: GHAST
  chance: 0
  recipe-display-item: GHAST_SPAWN_EGG
Key Description Acceptable Inputs
EXAMPLE_DROP The ID of the mob drop. You can change this key!
category The key of the category that this drop will appear under in the Slimefun guide.
item-type The type of item that you are registering. CUSTOM (You define the name, lore, and type), SAVEDITEM (Load key from saveditems folder)
item-name The name of the item. (Custom item types only)
item-lore The lore of the item. (Custom item types only)
item-id The vanilla ID or skull hash of the material this item will use.
item-amount The amount of this item dropped.
mob The type of mob that drops this item
chance The chance that the specified mob drops the item (0 - 100)
recipe-display-item The item that appears in the Slimefun guide's instructions on how to obtain this drop

Using skull textures

Want to use a skull texture instead of a block? Replace block-type with SKULL<hash>. Example provided in the generators config. How to create a skull hash: https://bukkit.org/threads/create-your-own-custom-head-texture.424286/

Using custom items

SlimeCustomizer supports custom items! These can be from other plugins or even renamed/relored items!

I will be "setting up" an example item along the way.
Saving an item
  1. Hold the item you want to use in your hand
  2. Type /sc saveitem (You must have the proper permissions to use this command)

The location of where your item is saved will appear in chat. You can rename this file to anything WITHOUT SPACES. This name will be used in your configs.

Example: Hold dirt, type /sc saveitem. Navigate to \plugins\SlimeCustomizer\saveditems and rename 0.yml to DIRT.yml
Using your saved item

Your saved item can be used in crafting recipes, machine inputs/outputs, and generator inputs/outputs. For type, use SAVEDITEM and for id, use the file name.

  id: DIRT    

Important notes

  • Shaped multiblock machines (ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE, MAGIC_WORKBENCH, ARMOR_FORGE, PRESSURE_CHAMBER) will only accept recipe inputs with a stack size of 1.
  • The speed/time and energy production/consumption that you configure may not line up exactly in game depending in your Slimefun tick delay. The lore is adaptive to show you to correct values according to real time.
  • When the type for the crafting recipes or machine inputs/outputs is set to NONE, all of the fields below it can be omitted.
  • If you are updating SlimeCustomizer and new keys have been added, they may appear in different spots than in the examples provided above. Feel free to move them around.


Permission Description
slimecustomizer.admin Access to SlimeCustomizer admin commands


Command Permission Parameters Description
saveitem slimecustomizer.admin Saves the item in your hand to a yml file. Read #saving-an-item for more info.
give slimecustomizer.admin <player_name> <item_id> <amount> Used to give an item to a player.
getsaveditem slimecustomizer.admin gui / <item_id> <player_name> <amount> Used to get/give a saveditem.

Compatability with other Slimefun addons

To be compatible with items from other addons, SlimeCustomizer softdepends the following:

  • ChestTerminal
  • ColoredEnderChests
  • DyedBackpacks
  • EcoPower
  • ElectricSpawners
  • ExoticGarden
  • ExtraGear
  • ExtraHeads
  • HotbarPets
  • luckyblocks-sf
  • PrivateStorage
  • SlimefunOreChunks
  • SlimyTreeTaps
  • SoulJars
  • CommandOverride
  • CS-CoreLib
  • EmeraldEnchants2
  • QuickMarket
  • QuickSell
  • RankPrefixPlus
  • LiteXpansion
  • MobCapturer
  • SoundMuffler
  • ExtraTools
  • TranscEndence
  • Liquid
  • SFCalc
  • SlimefunWarfare
  • Slimy-Power-Suits
  • FluffyMachines
  • SlimyRepair
  • InfinityExpansion
  • FoxyMachines
  • GlobalWarming
  • DynaTech
  • GeneticChickengineering
  • HeadLimiter
  • SlimeXpansion
  • Barrels
  • ClayTech
  • FNAmplifications
  • SMG
  • EMC2
  • Simple-Storage
  • AlchimiaVitae
  • SlimeTinker
  • PotionExpansion
  • FlowerPower
  • Galactifun
  • Element-Manipulation
  • CrystamaeHistoria
  • DankTech2
  • Networks
  • VillagerUtil
  • MissileWarfare
  • SensibleToolbox

It is highly unlikely that new addons will be added to this list. If you are making a new addon or own a private addon and wish to it in SlimeCustomizer, add the following to your plugin.yml

    - SlimeCustomizer


  • DEV 1:
  • DEV 2:
    • Updated to no longer require CS-CoreLib
  • DEV 3:
    • Added multi-line lore support
    • Added support for other multiblocks (If you have a preexisting config, this key will be smashed onto the bottom. Feel free to reorganize!)
    • Added support for machines to have 2 inputs and/or outputs
    • Added custom items
    • Added custom categories
    • Added new commands
  • DEV 4:
    • Machine bug fix
  • DEV 5:

Have any questions? Join the Slimefun discord at https://discord.gg/slimefun/