Date.timePassed() returns string with Optional(xx) in it.
kevinmann opened this issue · 3 comments
kevinmann commented
Using timePassed() on a date returns a string with Optional in it. For example:
let format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"
let customDate = Date(fromString: "2017-02-15 00:40:48 +0000", format: format)
if let customDateCheck:Date = customDate {
The print from this shows as: Optional(17) hours ago
I can fix it crudely by adding ! to the returns in the function within DateExtensions.swift like this:
public func timePassed() -> String {
let date = Date()
let calendar = Calendar.current
let components = (calendar as NSCalendar).components([.year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second], from: self, to: date, options: [])
var str: String
if components.year! >= 1 {
components.year == 1 ? (str = "year") : (str = "years")
return "\(components.year!) \(str) ago"
} else if components.month! >= 1 {
components.month == 1 ? (str = "month") : (str = "months")
return "\(components.month!) \(str) ago"
} else if! >= 1 { == 1 ? (str = "day") : (str = "days")
return "\(!) \(str) ago"
} else if components.hour! >= 1 {
components.hour == 1 ? (str = "hour") : (str = "hours")
return "\(components.hour!) \(str) ago"
} else if components.minute! >= 1 {
components.minute == 1 ? (str = "minute") : (str = "minutes")
return "\(components.minute!) \(str) ago"
} else if components.second == 0 {
return "Just now"
} else {
return "\(components.second!) seconds ago"
After that change the print for the code at the start correctly outputs like: 17 hours ago
Khalian commented
Thanks, I will write a PR for this change by EOD.
Khalian commented
This issue has been fixed and is now in master branch.