:smirk: How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.
- carabinaPersonal
- DalinChen
- dennychow
- dinneo
- durulSAIC
- edward-s
- eleevIntera
- hackmajorisEU
- hanshuushi
- honoodBeijing, China
- isimple4
- JanusHuang
- jaysonng
- jhcloos
- jibrilg
- jobinsjohnMusashi AI North America
- Johnnie-198312
- junsgoFuJian
- kyvu
- laptrinhcomvnLap Trinh
- ldt25290
- Mehul1437Toronto, Ontario
- minimoog
- mohsinalimatilol
- mueschaCologne, Germany
- mugecevikDreamious
- punbehagen
- regideonManila, Philippines
- roguebytesBrisbane, Australia
- rpural(retired)
- sakthivelm
- vinod1988Mumbai
- wm-j-rayHot Springs, VA, USA
- wyxy2005
- xMonty
- yushuyong盈创信息科技有限公司