A Vacuum Cleaner project using pic

Primary LanguageC


A Vacuum Cleaner project using pic.


  • Has 3 speeds.
  • 2 switches to increase or decrease the speed.
  • A led to indicate that the bag is filled then reduce speed to protect motor.
  • A triac need to be fired every 10 ms With a certian angle to get the desired Motor Speed.



  • For the os used timer0 in pic MC. with prescaler 256 to get INTERUPPT every 10 ms.
  • For the firing part, used Timer1 in pic with prescaler 2. 2 to more accurate time, because with prescaler 2 our tick equals 1 Microsecond. and firing happens starting from 275 Microseconds.
  • Timer0 Starts Timer1 with the time for firing angle. (Timer1 still not working here)


In firing we have 3 cases, Soft Switching up, Soft switching down and Harmonic reduce. (Recommended to read "AN10496 Vacuum cleaner" DOC to undersand the firing better.)

Harmonic reduce Output:



Using switch 3 to simulate the bag is filled, if pressed more than 30 seconds:

  • DLed is on.
  • Speed--

if the speed now is Low and D led is still on we are in NO_MORE case which prevent any increase in speed and switch + won't respond.