Question: TestOGCGeometryCollection.testUnionLinestring
paulushub opened this issue · 9 comments
Context: I have ported this library to .NET/C# and testing it. Currently, I have passed all tests except 5 (excluding TestWkbImportOnPostgresST
, TestSerialization
) and this one needs some clarification. Here is the test:
assertUnion("LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4)", "LINESTRING (2 3, 2.1 3.1)",
"LINESTRING (1 2, 2 3, 2.0999999999999996 3.0999999999999996, 3 4)");
How valid is this expected test result? The following is my failed test result:
Expected string length 65 but was 35. Strings differ at index 24.
Expected: "...STRING (1 2, 2 3, 2.0999999999999996 3.0999999999999996, 3 4)"
But was: "...STRING (1 2, 2 3, 2.1 3.1, 3 4)"
In formatting (StringUtils
), I cast the double to decimal type (straight forward in C#) and the output is more precise and does not require the later trimming of zeros method provided by the library.
@paulushub Those differences are insignificant. The only problem is that there is no 2.1 as double. Check that round-trip to string and back will produces equal geometry for you.
Those differences are insignificant.
True, but for unit tests, it makes a difference. May be asText
should take a value that specifies the precision.
Why assertEquals
on strings rather than assertTrue
with Geometry.equals
@paulushub When you explicitly assign 2.0999999999999996 to a double and convert that double to a string what do you get in your code?
May be asText should take a value that specifies the precision.
For that purpose you should use the geometry API itself, OperatorExportToWKT and specify precision in the exportFlags parameter. See WktExportFlags.
Why assertEquals on strings rather than assertTrue with Geometry.equals?
It does not matter in principle because Geometry.equals is an exact comparison.
If we had Geometry.equals(otherGeometry, 1e-12) with tolerance, then it would be more useful in the unit tests.
@paulushub When you explicitly assign 2.0999999999999996 to a double and convert that double
to a string what do you get in your code?
Using the following codes
double value1 = 2.0999999999999996;
double value2 = 2.1;
int precision = 17;
string format = "{0:f" + precision + "}";
Console.WriteLine("Using Format: " + format);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, value1));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, (decimal)value1));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, value2));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, (decimal)value2));
format = "{0:g" + precision + "}";
Console.WriteLine("Using Format: " + format);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, value1));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, (decimal)value1));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, value2));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, (decimal)value2));
You get the following results:
Using Format: {0:f17}
Using Format: {0:g17}
Ok. It seems that casting 2.0999999999999996 to the decimal and back to double adds a slight change. We try to have a round trip to WKT without change in values.
Otherwise if you see slight differences in the unit tests between c# and java, it is completely fine. I don't think you can expect different compilers to produce same floating point results. I've even seen differences when running exactly same binary on different processor architectures (in c++ though) because compilers may have compiled different execution paths for different processors.
@stolstov The differences is not really an issue, but the form of testing. I feel the results should be consistent and independent of the language used.
I think you added the RemoveTrailingZeros_
method for this purpose, but this will not have any effect on formatted text result like 2.0999999999999996
or 2.1000000000000001
I added the cast to decimal before formatting to ensure consistent results.
Thanks for the time and the discussion, I really appreciate it.