The Esri Geometry API for Java enables developers to write custom applications for analysis of spatial data. This API is used in the Esri GIS Tools for Hadoop and other 3rd-party data processing solutions.
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esrijson to geojson Exception
#321 opened by handsomeCLF - 1
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Ability to pass the number of vertices in the execute method of OperatorBuffer.
#318 opened by fabian-maysen - 5
GeometryException: internal error from within GeometryEngine.Difference(...)
#316 opened by DaveInCaz - 5
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Calculate 2d area of a polygon in wgs84
#302 opened by khoiboo - 4
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OperatorSimplifyOGC leads to "Index was outside the bounds of the array" in StridedIndexTypeCollection
#284 opened by DaveInCaz - 3
Weird clipping behaviour
#296 opened by nsiatras - 0
Make path from Area (?)
#295 opened by nsiatras - 10
Polygon Offset Example
#294 opened by nsiatras - 2
#292 opened by blockcoder1 - 2
Overridden asGeoJson methods in OGCMultiLineString and OGCMultiPolygon drop spatial reference
#290 opened by sllynn - 7
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Convex Hull of One Point
#288 opened by randallwhitman - 0
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Problem cutting polyline with point.
#285 opened by MarekBak - 2
support custom tolerance
#282 opened by finchcn - 3
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A bug in WKB export of MultiPoint with Z and M
#269 opened by stolstov - 1
OGCGeometry.union hangs
#266 opened by jagill - 1
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Unreleased Resource: Streams
#251 opened by QiAnXinCodeSafe - 2
Simple geometry reported as non-simple
#247 opened by jagill - 0
OperatorClip leaves an extra segment in the output for this particular polygon.
#274 opened by alocke - 1
OperatorExportToWkb throws GeometryException (corrupted geometry) for this geometry.
#275 opened by alocke - 3
Broken link in documentation
#272 opened by DaveInCaz - 2
Disjoint vs. intersects efficiency?
#270 opened by DaveInCaz - 0
hashCode implementations: Line, Envelope3D
#236 opened by paulushub - 1
RelationalOperations: Unused variable
#230 opened by paulushub - 0
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Is there any way to create an outlined polygon based on multiple polygons?
#265 opened by QigangZhong - 1
what's the unit in distance ??? meter ? km ??
#264 opened by thinkiny - 1
Offline Routing in ESRI arcgis api for javascript
#263 opened by AminBangash - 2
#261 opened by davidraleigh - 9
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OperatorExportToESRIShape can not export Line
#262 opened by sendreams - 3
Any util method for reading a GeoJson file?
#256 opened by gisfromscratch - 2
Are Multipolygons supported?
#257 opened by gisfromscratch - 1
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I didn't find GeometryEngine.project
#246 opened by MarkQiu92 - 6
Trivial intersection yields invalid geometries
#245 opened by jagill - 6
buffer on small polygons is returning null
#241 opened by jagill - 5
Question: SizeOf Values
#240 opened by paulushub - 2
DirtyFlags duplicate?
#235 opened by paulushub - 2
PeDouble: What is it?
#229 opened by paulushub