
Issues with the gct offset in APP6-B

topowright-zz opened this issue · 7 comments

Summary of Issue Encountered:

A customer using the APP6-B stylx files that is famialr wtih our stylx files from 2525 has found an issues with gct_arrow_with_offset" to be within the TAGS Column

Brief summary of issue encountered:

The symbols are available within the stylx file. But they are missing the gct_strings that describe how to create this symbol. Normally they expect something like "gct_arrow_with_offset" to be within the TAGS Column. That will give them the information what kind of edit functions they provide, how many points are involved in that symbol and so on.

This is an example how it looks like in MIL2525 and what they expect in APP6B.

This is the mil2525d.stylx:

ID "2598"
CATEGORY "Control Measure : Line"
NAME "Maneuver Areas : Axis of Advance : Main Attack : Hostile"
TAGS "Control Measure;Maneuver Areas;Axis of Advance;Main Attack;gct_arrow_with_offset;G*GPOLAGM-****X;MAIN;Line;Maneuver Areas : Axis of Advance : Main Attack;25151403"

It contains the gct_string that give them some information about the object that will be created.

The app6b.stylx does not contains this gct_string:

ID "5345"
CATEGORY "Offence"
Name "Axis of Advance Ground Main Attack H"
TAGS "APP-6(B);Annex E;Command And Control And General Manoeuvre; Offence;Axis Of Advance Ground Main Attack;Hostile;GHCPMOLAM-*****"

Describe the product and version used:

ArcGIS Runtime 100.2 and ArcGIS Pro 2.1

Include the military symbology standard and version/change set (ex. -2525D):


Reproduction Steps and/or Where to Obtain Test Data:

View the informaiton in the sylx file as listed above for the symbol above

Step-by-step description of how to reproduce the issue and the expected results:
Screenshot(s) of issue (ex: obtained result vs. expected result):
Additional information or sample data:

Image from the customer:

@topowright - what is the actual scope of this change? Does this apply only to attack arrows, all features, or something in between?
What is the list of changes that need to be changed? Just "ct_arrow_with_offset"? Are there others? Where are they?

@csmoore why was the gct_string not included in the APP6-B?

@topowright - I did not work on the development of this original style but that style probably preceded those tags/convention

I am the customer who caused a case "Esri Case #02068526 - [BOS] reading/loading app6b.stylx fails"
While going forward in that case (thanks to Chris Moore #276 (comment)) we were recognizing that all the gct_ strings are missing (in opposite to mil2525d.stylx).

To make the initial description #319 (comment) clear:
There is not just one gct_ string missing - all of them are missing (about 20)

To construct a military (multi point) symbol using the mouse, it is necessary to know WHO to construct the symbol.
What is the semantic of every single click the user made to build a military (multi point) symbol...

Hope it helps

This issue was moved to Esri/military-symbology#269