Pinned Repositories
Addin for ArcMap and Pro for convenient coordinate conversion in Desktop.
Add-in provides the ability to easily and quickly create geodesy lines, circles, ellipses and range rings.
The GeoMessage Simulator provides UDP messaging for applications that are part of the ArcGIS for the Military solution.
Joint Military Symbology Markup Language is a data encapsulation of MIL-STD-2525D and APP-6(D).
Source data for Esri defense and intelligence feature templates. This data is used to create features and derived data products using military symbology.
A user-focused add-in for searching, creating, and editing military symbols in ArcGIS Pro.
military-tools-geoprocessing-toolbox is a collection of models, scripts, and tools for use in ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Pro. This toolbox is one component that is a part of Military Tools.
Models, scripts, and tools for use in ArcGIS Desktop and Server to support defense and intelligence workflows.
Source data for Solutions Symbology used in Templates (Note: excludes standard 2525/APP military symbology)
The Vehicle Commander template demonstrates best practices for building in-vehicle military applications with ArcGIS Runtime. The Vehicle Commander template contains source code for an in-vehicle application.
BobBooth's Repositories
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