
Subtitles Downloader

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Subtitles Downloader (Hulu, Animelon)


  • Python 3.x
    • requests
    • pycrypto


Hulu (hulu.py)

  1. Open video page like https://www.hulu.com/watch/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
  2. Copy the text below and paste it to console of your browser to get Content ID:
var x=new XMLHttpRequest;x.open("GET","https://discover.hulu.com/content/v3/entity?language=en&schema=4&eab_ids="+window.location.href.split("/").pop(),!1),x.withCredentials=!0,x.send(null),JSON.parse(x.responseText)["items"][0]["content_id"];
  1. Execute the following command and follow the steps as told (if you want to save as VTT, use -v or --vtt option):
python3 hulu.py

Animelon (animelon.py)

  1. Get video ID from URL:
    https://animelon.com/video/xxxxxxxxxxxx => xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Execute the following command and paste the ID:

python3 animelon.py