
Minecraft 1.8.9/1.12.2/1.18 mod which steals the access token and more things from the targetted user and sends to a backend server for processing. Disclaimer: For educational purposes only.

Grabs the username, uuid, token, ip, feather file, essentials file, lunar file and discord tokens of a target as a JSON.

Apparently switching the feather or essential files with yours grants you infinite access to their account thanks to the refreshToken.

JavaScript backend server which:

Checks if all fields in the JSON are present. Controls requests and filters out spam requests by IPs. Validates the token with Minecraft Auth servers before proceeding to output the data. It also fakes returning 404 codes to make the people think they successfully crashed the server šŸ¤”.

Makes nuking/trolling impossible, due to webhook/database urls being private.

Can be easily configured to either use Discord Webhooks or MongoDB or both.

Bypasses PizzaClient's SessionProtection.

Can be easily hidden/camouflaged in other mods (1 single class).


Express for the backend server. MongoDB for storing ratted users. Discord API for sending messages to webhook.

Disclaimer This is for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damage caused by this tool.