
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This library is a layer on top of Friendly, so you must learn that first. But it is very easy to learn.


Getting Started

Install Friendly.Windows.Grasp from NuGet

PM> Install-Package Codeer.Friendly.Windows.Grasp


Features ...

The main purpose is to search for window.
To test, you first need to get the target Window.
And sub use case, Win32 level operation can be performed to window.

Search for window

Use WindowControl.
The top level window can be got using the static method.
And the extension method of WindowsAppFriend is prepared, you can write like this.

var app = new WindowsAppFriend(process);

var topwLevelWindows = WindowControl.GetTopLevelWindows(app);
var mainWindow = WindowControl.WaitForIdentifyFromTypeFullName(app, "Target.MainWindow");

//extension method.
var topwLevelWindows2 = app.GetTopLevelWindows();
var mainWindow2 = app.WaitForIdentifyFromTypeFullName("Target.MainWindow");

You can also search for child windows.
However, it is better to use field names for WinForms and Visual Tree or Logical Tree for Wpf.
It's a good idea to use this for Win32 windows.


Use Friendly.Windows.NativeStandardControls as the control driver.See here.

var mainWindow = app.WaitForIdentifyFromWindowText("Application Title");
var textBox = new NativeEdit(mainWindow.IdentifyFromDialogId(3));


This is a basic feature of Friendly. See here.
Use Friendly.FormsStandardControls as the control driver.See here.

var mainWindow = app.WaitForIdentifyFromWindowText("Target.MainWindow");
FormsTextBox textBox = mainWindow.Dynamic()._textBox;


This is a feature of Friendly.WPF Standard Controls. See here.

var mainWindow = app.WaitForIdentifyFromTypeFullName("Target.MainWindow");
//get by visual tree.
WPFTextBox textBox = mainWindow.VisualTree().ByBinding("Name").Single().Dynamic();
//Of course, if x:name is attached, it can also be obtained from the field.
WPFTextBox textBox2 = mainWindow.Dynamic()._textBox;

The name of the search function is a combination of the following two patterns.

Get Get all windows that meet the specified conditions.
Identify Get When Identify only one by the order condition. Else throw Exception.
WaitForIdentify Wait for identify only one by the order condition. Useful for timing control.

WindowText Text that can be acquired by GetWindowText of Win32 Api.
TypeFullName .Net type full name
WindowClass Win32 WindowClass
ZIndex ZZindex. Multiple can be specified when the parent and child hierarchy of Window is deep.
DialogId DialogId. Multiple can be specified when the parent and child hierarchy of Window is deep.

* I used From instead of By because my English wasn't good at that time. Don't worry about it.

Search top level windows.

  • GetTopLevelWindows
  • GetFromWindowText
  • IdentifyFromWindowText
  • WaitForIdentifyFromWindowText
  • GetFromTypeFullName
  • IdentifyFromTypeFullName
  • WaitForIdentifyFromTypeFullName
  • GetFromWindowClass
  • IdentifyFromWindowClass
  • WaitForIdentifyFromWindowClass

Search child windows.

  • IdentifyFromZIndex
  • IdentifyFromDialogId
  • IdentifyFromWindowText
  • IdentifyFromTypeFullName
  • IdentifyFromWindowClass
  • GetFromWindowText
  • GetFromTypeFullName
  • GetFromWindowClass
  • GetChildren

manipulate window.

  • IsWindow
  • SetWindowText
  • GetWindowText
  • SetFocus
  • SendMessage
  • SequentialMessage
  • PointToScreen
  • Activate
  • Close
  • WaitForDestroy


  • AppVar
  • App
  • Handle
  • DialogId
  • WindowClassName
  • TypeFullName
  • ParentWindow
  • Size
  • AutoRefresh

//Sample Win32 
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("NativeTarget")[0];  
using (var app = new WindowsAppFriend(process))  
    //Wait for identify by window text.
    var testDlg = app.WaitForIdentifyFromWindowText("Target Application");

    //using Friendly.Windows.NativeStandardControls.
    //Get from dialog id.
    var button = new NativeButton(testDlg.IdentifyFromDialogId(1004));

    var edit = new NativeEdit(testDlg.IdentifyFromDialogId(1020));
    var tree = new NativeTree(testDlg.IdentifyFromDialogId(1041));
    tree.EmulateEdit(tree.Nodes[0], "new text"); 
//Sample WinForms
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("FormsTarget")[0];  
using (var app = new WindowsAppFriend(process))  
    //Wait for identify by type full name.
    var mainForm = app.WaitForIdentifyFromTypeFullName("TargetApp.MainForm");

    //using Friendly.FormsStandardControls.
    //use filed.
    FormsButton button = mainForm.Dynamic()._button;

    FormsTextBox textBox = mainForm.Dynamic()._textBox;
    FormsTreeView tree = mainForm.Dynamic()._tree;
    tree.GetItem("item1", "item2").EmulateSelect(); 