
WDI SF 18 Project 1: Tic Tac Toe w/ OOP & jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#WDI: First Project

11:00 pm May 7 --- I spent roughly 3.5 hours working on my project. I began by plotting out how I was going to attack the game from a logistical standpoint. I mapped it out on paper before opening my text editor. I just deleted almost all of my javascript as I don't believe it's any good. I'm going to focus tomorrow on going bit by bit and working my way up.

May 8 --- I think I finally figured out how to run the game. I need to have the divs and and button to listen for a click in the global scope as opposed to the local scope. This was my biggest sticking point. Now, I'm having issues with the boxes collapsing when I hit the reset button.

5:00pm --- I can't seem to fix the reset button. I don't understand why it's not working. It seems that I'm spending most of my time on trivial issues. I think I have the logic down however.

6:10pm --- I don't know how to do anything

7:30pm --- Daniel was able to walk me through the game and give me an idea on how to use OOP with this project. I'm gaining a pretty good grasp of the concepts, but I'm still fuzzy on how to connect all of the dots.

May 9 --- Beginning in the morning, I'm drawing out a diagram of the game and seeing if this helps me.

11:00pm --- Daniel was helping me through chat, but I didn't seem to fully grasp how to change the scope between Board/Player. I'm close - it's just one line that's messing me up. I'm going in to GA tomorrow to get help from the TA

2:30pm --- I'm styling my page to knock it out of the way so that all my time tomorrow will be spent dealing with js and the logic behind the game.

3:00pm --- I figured out how to change the background image when each square is clicked

11:15pm --- I did some codecademy lessons on OOP and read a long article on scoping to help me determine the move method. I have made one step closer to the end.

12:17pm --- I finally figured out how to switch players from X to O

1:45pm --- In GA, attempting to figure out how to determine the winner. I got my clearBoard method to work, as well as incrementing my counter which leaves me with figuring out the winner as my last obstacle.

4:30pm --- Used hasClass() to help check the divs for "X" or "O"

4:40pm --- All done except my counter isn't wanting to work

5:00pm --- for tomorrow in order to fully complete --> after winner is determined, reset board + figure out my counter. also, need to complete the checkWinner method for the tie

Technologies Used

What technologies did you use while developing this project?

  1. I used CSS Font Stack website to help with font for my Tic-Tac-Toe label
  2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery were all used for this project
  3. I used w3 schools font color list to help with coloring my words
  4. I used picture resize website for my background images

###Existing features What features does your new tic-tac-toe app have? Outside of some minor CSS stuff, nothing that we haven't been taught. I was able to use OOP for the whole project, even though I thought I would have to copy/paste my past project into this one (functional programming).

###Planned features What changes would you make to your project if you continued with it in the future?

  • reset "my turn" when a game is won or when the reset button is clicked
  • reset board when game has been won
  • figure out the issue with my checkWinner method for a tie
  • add in something from bootstrap