description here
The easiest way to build is to use vcpkg and install SFML through this.
vcpkg install sfml
vcpkg integrate install
Create a new visual studio C++ empty project, git clone the files, and copy them into the project directory.
Select the "Show All Files" options in Solution Explorer, and right-click on the src/ and deps/ directory, and choose the "include in project options"
Go into the project properties and under C/C++ > General
, add the deps/ directory as an additional include directly.
Finally, under Linker > Input
, add OpenGL32.lib as an additional dependency.
Requires conan w/ bincrafters and cmake.
python3 -m pip install conan
conan remote add bincrafters
conan remote update bincrafters
To build, at the root of the project:
sh scripts/ install
The install argument is only needed for the first time compilation as this is what grabs the libraries from Conan
To run, at the root of the project:
sh scripts/
To build and run in release mode, simply add the release
sh scripts/ release
sh scripts/ release