A Pterodactyl egg for SCP: Secret Laboratory that supports EXILED installation, and more.

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This is a fork of Parkeymon's Repository


A Pterodactyl egg for SCP: Secret Laboratory that supports EXILED installation, and more.


  • Beta tag support.
  • EXILED support.
  • Option to choose the pre-release or release of EXILED.
  • Specific EXILED version support.
  • Discord Integration support.
  • SCPDiscord support.
  • Automiatically checks if the egg is up to date and notifies you when there is an update.
  • FFmpeg support (for use with audio player plugins).

For more information on how to use SCPDiscord or Discord Integration, click one of the dropdowns below.

SCPDiscord bot

Using the SCPDiscord bot.

  1. Go to the startup tab in your server, then set INSTALL SCP DISCORD? to true.
  2. Under the settings tab, press "Reinstall Server" and wait until the server has finished the process.

Re-installing will not delete your important files.

  1. Go to the files tab, and go to /.egg/SCPDBot and open config.yml to configure the bot.

To configure the bot and plugin, read the installation guide.

How to use Discord Integration bot

Using the Discord Integration bot.

Warning: Discord Integration's documentation is very sparse, and isn't maintained.

  1. Go to the startup tab in your server, then set INSTALL DISCORD INTEGRATION? to true.
  2. Under the settings tab, press "Reinstall Server" and wait until the server has finished the process.

Re-installing will not delete your important files.

  1. Go to the files tab, and under the root directory, open DiscordIntegration-config.json to configure the bot.

Custom Docker Images

Server Image

Server Image

Script Container

Script Container