
(Project of Subject: Machine Learning AUEB 2019) An implementation of Expecation Maximazation algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


Hit the following command to execute the algorithm.

python main.py [OPTIONS]

    --segments     INTEGER   The number of segments you want to segment your image (e.g. 4, 8, 16...), default=8
    --path         TEXT      The file path to your image. (e.g. im.jpg), default=im.jpg
    --iterations   INTEGER   The number of iterations you want to run the algorithm, default=100
    --tolerance    FLOAT     The tolerance you accept, default=1e-6


  • matplotlib==3.0.2
  • Click==7.0

Background material in maths

We have the above mixture distribution:

We want to maximize the log Likelihood:

We have to construct the Complete likelihood:

And then the Complete logLikelihood is defined as:

But we don't know the value of the hidden variable z each time, so we must compute the Expected Complete likelihood. Since each appears linearly in the mean value of is obtained by substituting the with their mean value :


In order to get the equations of the Maximization Step, we differentiate the above function with respect to and each time and assuming that are constant (in terms of and ) since they have been calculated in the Expectation Step based on the previous parameter values. After that we set the differentiation equals to 0 :

On this step we need to add the LaGrange Multiplier in order to find the exact formula.

And last one:

Results of Experiments - Comparisons with the original Image (Max_steps = 100)

segments=1, Total error: 0.1746

segments=2, Total error: 0.0486

segments=4, Total error: 0.0167

segments=8, Total error: 0.0078

segments=16, Total error: 0.0044

segments=32, Total error: 0.0016

segments=64, Total error: 0.0009