
Full disassembled source code of the iconic C64 intro from Fairlight.

Primary LanguageAssembly

The Fairlight C64 Intro

The dissassembled source code of the iconic C64 intro.
Read all about the process of unpacking and disassembly in my blog

Fairlight Intro

If you're unfamiliar with the intro, go check it out on youtube.


Converted with pydisass6502.

Cleaned up version with named labels and separate files.

Finished version including bug fixes other improvements like a stable raster routine.

Playing around with the code to create a new version of the intro for myself.

How to compile

I'm using the ACME assembler, but all specific syntax can be easily adapted to other assemblers like KickAss. In addition, I've used the ACME VSCode Template, which is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Building should be relatively easy if you follow the make.sh file, but you can just drop the files into your build environment and skip the make file completely. main.asm is the right entrypoint. If you want to use the make.sh file, make sure to adapt these pathes to your specific setup. If you're using the VSCode Template, you're probably good to go already.

os=mac # mac, linux, win