
Clean parallel corpus with moses.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

This repo contains a script that cleans parallel corpus (e.g. WMT data) with moses.


1. Installation

First, clone the Moses repository.

git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git

Then, clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/Este1le/clean_with_moses.git

2. Clean corpus

Modify the MOSES_PATH in clean_with_moses.sh with the path to Moses scripts.

This script assumes you have two aligned line-oriented corpus files with same prefix and language suffix. For example: europarl-v10.de and europarl-v10.en.

Then, you can run the script:

clean_with_moses.sh [prefix] [src_lang] [tgt_lang]

For example,

clean_with_moses.sh europarl-v10 de en

This will result in two files: europarl-v10.de.clean and europarl-v10.en.clean.

What it does?

It cleans the data by four steps.

1. Tokenization

It tokenizes your data to separate words and punctuations.

2. Truecasing

It converts the text into a consistent case format based on the probability of the appearance of a word in a particular case.

3. Remove sentences

It removes sentences that are either too short or too long.

4. Convert special characters

Finally, it converts special characters (e.g. &amp; or &lt;) to their original form (& or <).


Xuan Zhang
