It was originally meant for me to use it for this project, but due to a discussion with people on the original Flaresolverr repo, being unable to download images through it was a dealbreaker for me.
What does it do ?
It helps you encapsulate every request you need to make through Flaresolverr, whether they are post or get requests. It also implements the sessions, as used by Flaresolverr.
Every argument with an equal after means it's optional, and there are default values.
fs=Flaresolverr() #initialize a default instance#or fs=Flaresolverr(host="ip adress",port="the port",protocol="protocol (http or https)",headers="headers",version="version endpoint. default is /v1")
#List of session can be accessed through sessions=fs.sessions#You can create a session using :response=fs.createSession(session_id="somethingsomething")
#Delete a session usingresponse=fs.deleteSession(session_id)
#Perform post and get requests using :response=fs.get(url,session="yoursessionID",...) #lookup the other,post_data,session="yoursessionID")