
An updated version of the original publication. Used during a hands-on workshop. A sample API service written in Go that uses a backend Redis server

Primary LanguageGo

Beginner friendly kubernetes workshop

inspired and update from : https://www.magalix.com/blog/deploying-an-application-on-kubernetes-from-a-to-z

Step 1 : containerize application

cd step1/
docker build -t sample-api .

Requirement before starting wotking with K8s

check context :

kubectl config get-contexts

select context:

kubectl config set-context docker-desktop

Create a namespace :

kubectl create namespace frontend

Change Namespace :

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=frontend
# Validate it
kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:

Step 2 : Create a deployment

cd step2/
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Step 3 : Expose application

Step 3.1 : create service

cd step3/
kubectl apply -f frontend-svc.yaml

Step 3.2 (optional) : create ingress using Nginx Controller

Install Nginx ingress controller:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.2.0/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml

kubectl apply -f step3/ingress.yaml

step 3.3 : port forward

kubectl port-forward services/frontend-svc 3000:3000  

Step 4 : Configure application using configMap

Creat a configmap:

cd step4/
kubectl apply -f configmap.yml

Step 5 : Use secrets to secure confidential data

kubectl create secret generic redis-password --from-literal=redis-password=password123

Note : uncomment and redeploy deployment in step 2, then check its status. You did it!

Step 6 (Bonus) : Add HTML Content to the Application

Step 7 (Bonus) : Deploy Backend storage (Redis)

Step 8 (Bonus) : use Helm or kustomize