Take Home Programming Task

The goal of this task is to test your knowledge of the fundamentals of development and the processes involved. The topics that we will be reviewing are:

  • The design of the solution provided
  • The code quality
  • The unit testing
  • Adherence to the requirements


Our team is ingesting data via NSQ(https://nsq.io/) in different topics depending on the source. Each source has its own data model and we want to store the data using a common model which unifies the naming of the attributes. Once the data is transformed following the common model it will be added to a Kafka queue in a JSON format. This message will have a different action (index or update) depending of the data we already have in ElasticSearch (in this case we just need to read an attached file with some Elasticsearch documents)


Create an enrichment service which reads messages from NSQ topics (twitter, facebook) and generates messages in a Kafka topic (influencers) based on the data we already have stored. Architecture

The enrichment process will create an:

  • index kafka message when we don't have the influencer in our DB (in this case our JSON file)
  • update kafka message when we have the profile in our DB but the updated_at is before to the ingested one.
  • update kafka message when the ingested message match another social profile name of an influencer document that already exists in the DB (to add the missing social network to the profile).
  • delete kafka message when the ingested message has a deleted_at and it is the only social profile we have in our DB (otherwise just create an update with empty profile see example
    • Discard any new message creating that social profile

The enrichment process will discard any message without the required attributes (id, name, updated_at)

Twitter message model

Key Type Description
id int inmutable
screen_name string mutable
biography string mutable
profile_image string mutable
location string mutable
updated_at date mutable
deleted_at date mutable

Facebook message model

Key Type Description
id int inmutable
username string mutable
about string mutable
image string mutable
location string mutable
updated_at date mutable
deleted_at date mutable

Influencer model

- - - type required
id int yes
screen_name string yes
image string no
bio string no
location string no
updated_at date yes
id int yes
screen_name string yes
image string no
bio string no
location string no
updated_at date yes
updated_at (added in enrichment) date yes


{ "index" : {"_index" : "influencers", "_retry_on_conflict" : 3} } +"\n"

{"profiles" : {"facebook": {"id": 20,"name": "infl0","bio": "this is 0","updated_at" : "2021-01-25T21:13:42Z"} },"updated_at" : "2021-02-15T21:13:42Z"} + "\n"


{ "update" : {"_index" : "influencers", "_retry_on_conflict" : 3, "_id" : "0"} } + "\n"

{ "doc": {"profiles" : {"twitter": {"id": 00,"name": "infl0","bio": "this is 0","updated_at" : "2021-01-25T21:13:42Z"} },"updated_at" : "2021-01-25T21:13:42Z"}`, "doc_as_upsert" : true } + "\n"

Update message deleting social profile (NSQ message with deleted_at)

{ "update" : {"_index" : "influencers", "_retry_on_conflict" : 3, "_id" : "12"} } + "\n"

{ "doc": {"profiles" : {"facebook": {}},"updated_at" : "2021-01-25T21:13:42Z"}`, "doc_as_upsert" : true } + "\n"

Delete Kafka message

{ "delete" : {"_index" : "influencers", "_retry_on_conflict" : 3, "_id" : "0"} } + "\n"


This & That

  • Searching online for answers is acceptable and encouraged.
  • Share your code in a git repo (Preferable) or a zip file returned to the email address that sent you these requirements.
  • You are free to use any messaging systems you like or are familiar with. We use these two, but they are not the only ones! (We provide a docker compose file so you can have these queues ready to go, NSQ has also some messages ready to ingest. UI - http://localhost:4171)
  • We are testing for general GO/Java knowledge and some critical thought processes around design patterns and exception handling.
  • Spend 3 hours coding. If you don't finish - that isn't a deal breaker. If you must spend more than 3 hours - just let us know how far you got within the allotted time.
  • Feel free to reach out with any clarifications needed.