
This is a basic login system project developed in PHP, at a beginner level to understand the fundamentals of access control in web applications. The system has a single registered user to simplify implementation. The system allows the user to log in, validates the fields, restricts access to the dashboard.php page.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

A simple php login sistem!
Um sistema de login simples em php!

📸 About

This is a basic login system project developed in PHP, at a beginner level to understand the fundamentals of access control in web applications. The system has a single registered user to simplify implementation. The system allows the user to log in, validates the fields, restricts access to the dashboard.php page if they have not yet logged in, redirecting to a warning about lack of access power.

Este é um projeto básico de sistema de login desenvolvido em PHP,a nivel iniciante para entender os fundamentos do controle de acesso em aplicações web. O sistema conta com um único usuário cadastrado para simplificar a implementação. O sistema permite o login do usuário, faz a validação dos campos, restringe o acesso a página de dashboard.php caso ainda não tenha feito o login redirecionando para um aviso de falta de poder de acesso.

User: Ana Monte
password: anamonte

🔧 Tools

💡 How contribute

    #clone the project
    $git clone https://github.com/Ester-Farias/Sistema-De-Login-PHP.git
    #Enter directory
    $ cd Sitema-De-Login-PHP
    #Install the dependencies, if use npm
    $ npm install


    #Install the dependencies, if use yarn
    $ yarn

📃 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE for more details.