
A collection of Educational resources useful for building a .eth Website

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A collection of Educational resources useful for building a .eth Website

Below is collections of educational resources with simple guides on how to create a .eth Website with your ENS domain:

  1. How to set up a simple decentralized website, using @pinatacloud for IPFS pinning https://bitsofco.de/setting-up-a-decentralised-website/

  2. Build a Linktree like site .eth website on IPFS using @FleekHQ. https://krynsky.com/a-guide-for-how-to-build-and-host-a-eth-website-using-ipfs-on-ens/

  3. @FleekHQ on guide for what is ENS and how do you link your ENS Domain on IPFS site? https://blog.fleek.co/posts/guide-ens-domains-ipfs-ethereum-name-service/

  4. Building a permanent and uncensorable .eth blog https://pawelurbanek.com/ipfs-ethereum-blog

  5. Decentralizing your website, deploy your website on IPFS using go-ipfs daemon and pinatacloud. This guide includes a section on linking your DNS name to a .eth website! https://towardsdatascience.com/decentralizing-your-website-f5bca765f9ed

  6. Automizing the publication of a .eth websites https://medium.com/coinmonks/automated-deploy-to-ipfs-and-ens-12bae2f40302

  7. 4 steps of hosting a .eth website https://diode.io/diode/4-steps-to-hosting-a-decentralized-static-website-using-ens-and-ipfs-19350/

  8. A non-technical guide for setting up a .eth website written by our community member [search for Amsterdamm twitter] https://esteroids.medium.com/how-to-build-an-eth-website-57a1f0c2cf3e

  9. @IPFS guide for creating .eth websites based on IPFS https://docs.ipfs.io/how-to/websites-on-ipfs/link-a-domain/#ethereum-naming-service-ens

  10. An illustrated guide for hosting a website on IPFS (with ENS) https://leondo.medium.com/ipfs-ens-the-easy-way-cd88321558db