
Small project that changes the scene in OBS automatically depending on the audio from the specified microphones

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OBS Audio Switcher It is a tool that works together with OBS to add the functionality of changing scenes using audio levels.

Installation    |    Configuration    |    Usage


NOTE: NodeJS 10.13.0 or higher is required.

# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/EsteveSegura/SwitchSceneOnAudioOBS.git

# change the working directory to insta-growth
$ cd SwitchSceneOnAudioOBS

# install NodeJS & npm & WebSocketServer if they are not installed

# install the requirements
$ npm install


Before running the application we need to open our OBS with the OBSWebSocket plugin installed and the following plugin configuration (To access this menu we can do it via Tools -> WebSocket Server Settings)

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to have OBS open, with port 4444 configured and the password must be set to secret in our web socket server options, before running this software


Now we are ready to run the software. In the terminal, within the path indicated in the upper section, we are ready to proceed and run the program.

$ cd src
$ node index

This process will create a website that works to manage the audio inputs and the microphones, their respective scenes, and the limit to switch between scenes. We can access the administrator panel by entering the following URL http://localhost:3000


MIT © SwitchSceneOnAudioOBS