
unix based system

Primary LanguageC

  • shell.h : This header file contains function prototypes, structure , definitions , macros and constants used throughout the project. It serves as an interface for the other source files to access shared declarations, promoting modularity and code organization.
  • main.c : The main entry point of your shell. This file typically initializes necessary variables, sets up the environment, displays a prompt and handles the main loop for reading and executing commands.
  • getline.c: This file handles reading a line of input from the user and storing it in buffer. It mau include functions that interact with the input stream and perform necessaty operations like input validation or memory allocation.
  • split.c : This file deals with parsing the user input into individual commands and their arguements. It may contain functions that split the input into tokens, handle special characters and organize the parsed data for further processing.
  • helper.c : This file typically contains utility functions that are used htroughout the codebase. It may include commonly used functions like string manipulation, memory management, or any other auxiliary functions that may assist in the implementation of the shell's functionality.