An application where a single django administrator can upload and display images and filter them by their category or location.
- Fork the repository
- git clone the project to your local machine
- Set up a virtual environment in the project folder
python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual
*get pip
*get all requirements in the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure that the MODE in the .env is set to development ('dev'), which will automatically set debug to true.
Now run the following command
python3.6 runserver
And view the site at the port provided which is most likely
To run the automated tests for this system, run the following command
python3.6 test album
To deploy on heroku:
- Have a Procfile in the project root;
- Update requirements.txt file with all the requirements in the project root;
- Have Gunicorn to requirements.txt;
- Have runtime.txt to specify the correct Python version in the project root;
- Ensure configuration whitenoise to serve static files.
- Add a heroku remote by logging in
- Configure all the settings in .env on heroku (set MODE to 'prod' on heroku)
- git push to heroku
- git push database and migrate to heroku server
- Python Programming Language
- Django Web Framework
- Bootstrap v4 Framework
Find all the versions used in the requirements.txt or run the following command to confirm:
pip freeze
- Esther Muigai - cool-gallery
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- My Technical Mentors here at Moringa
- My classmates
- Stackoverflow
- CSS Tricks Website