
Website to build vocabulary flashcards

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to VocabFlash 👋


Purpose: Website to build your own vocabulary flashcards. Installation: Not required. How to run the application: Open the webpage at https://estherrgb2.github.io/VocabFlash/. Enter a word in the text field, then click "Get Definition." If you want to add the word to your study deck, click "Add to Deck." Click "Study" to review the words in your deck. Click "Next Word" to display the first word. Click on the flashcard to toggle the word and definition. Click "Next Word" again to continue reviewing the rest of the words in your deck. Click "Build" to return to the home page and add more cards to your deck. Clear the browser history to re-set your deck. A button to re-set the deck is under construction.


👤 Esther Kuttler

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