
Setting pin high not working (location beacons)

garymansted opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi guys,
Ive been trying for a few days now to set a pin high (location beacon) from an app I'm building.
I feel that I am doing something wrong as i am getting an error when the block fires off. Error is: [ESTTelemetryInfo portsData]: unrecognized selector sent to instance...
Ive looked everywhere for a snippet but can't find anything to see if this is my issue or an issue with the SDK. Here's the code I've tried.

let telem = ESTTelemetryInfo.init(shortIdentifier: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")!
let setPinHigh = ESTTelemetryNotificationGPIO.init(notificationBlock: { (telInfo) in
if telInfo.shortIdentifier! != "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" { return }
telInfo.portsData.setPort(.port0, value: .high)
setPinHigh.fireNotificationBlock(with: telem)