- 0
var packet =; var advHandle = ble.advertise(packet); advHandle.interval(500); advHandle.power(-4); // later, if you want to stop advertising: //advHandle.stop();
#297 opened by Beacon1NJ - 0
#296 opened by Beacon1NJ - 0
- 0
- 1
Beacon fleet management
#292 opened by tzecheng - 2
12 warnings appear in iOS-Fleet-Managemend-SDK
#290 opened by Mohamedadin - 0
- 1
Readme should be updated
#291 opened by Lapinou42 - 0
- 0
Monitoring iOS 11 didDetermineState never call
#280 opened by NeedNap - 3
Feature Request: Add option to disable Bluetooth Settings popup with ESTDeviceManager
#279 opened by mhorgan1 - 0
How can I start monitoring on definite date? Is it possible? (ESTMonitoringV2Manager)
#278 opened by bizibizi - 3
com.estimote.ESTPeripheralConnector *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[__NSCFString substringWithRange:]: Range {0, 8} out of bounds; string length 4'
#253 opened by julestburt - 0
ios(Objective c) issue on Becone Notification enter and exit the becone Region
#275 opened by RomilDevloper - 0
- 2
Header files are not copied via Cocoapods
#269 opened by YMonnier - 0
beacon iOS 11 issue
#268 opened by shattars3d - 15
Cannot remove an observer <CBPeripheral 0x1c03127e0> for the key path "delegate" from <CBPeripheral 0x1c03127e0> because it is not registered as an observer.
#266 opened by m1entus - 0
Vertical, in motion stickers
#263 opened by danielolivaresd - 1
Linker Error for EstimoteSDK direct download.
#261 opened by longwei - 1
ESTLocationBeaconBulkUpdater not working
#257 opened by tomtharakan - 0
I am getting this warning while reading temperature value [CoreBluetooth] XPC connection invalid
#256 opened by Rajesh-Kasula - 0
I am getting this error "[CoreBluetooth] XPC connection invalid" i am trying to get temperature value using estimote beacon. var beaconConnection : ESTBeaconConnection? // MARK:- Beacon Connection func beaconConnectionSetUp(beacon:CLBeacon){ beaconConnection = ESTBeaconConnection.init(beacon: beacon, delegate: self, startImmediately: true) beaconConnection?.start() } func readTemperatureFromBeacon() { beaconConnection?.readTemperature(completion: { (temperature, error) in if error == nil{ print(temperature!) }else{ print(error?.localizedDescription as Any) } }) } func beaconConnectionDidSucceed(_ connection: ESTBeaconConnection) { // let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.4, target: self, selector: #selector(readTemperatureFromBeacon), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) readTemperatureFromBeacon() } func beaconManager(_ manager: Any, didFailWithError error: Error) { print(error.localizedDescription) }
#255 opened by Rajesh-Kasula - 0
Eddytstones not being picked up on iOS
#254 opened - 0
- 3
IOS SDK issue: portsData has no member 'setPort'
#251 opened by garymansted - 0
- 0
- 0
Adding EEPROM block read/write methods would be nice
#247 opened by verkaz - 1
warnings more than 200
#245 opened by BaranBerk - 7
Carthage support
#240 opened by NSCabezon - 14
- 0
storage iOS demo app issue
#237 opened by shattars3d - 1
Swift example for ProximityBeacons
#232 opened by danieltigse - 5
Utility Demo doesn't work
#234 opened by devstar1988 - 2
is version 4.11.0 compatible with Swift 3 ?
#235 opened by giluna - 4
Estimote Framework iOS 10 issue
#236 opened by shattars3d - 22
- 5
App crashing on startMonitoring
#287 opened by tariq235 - 18
App rejection with Estimote SDK
#267 opened by Saurman - 2
Swift 5 / Xcode 10.2 compatibility
#286 opened by dessmith - 1
Notification example
#282 opened by anumshk27 - 1
Undefined Symbols
#277 opened by UnityEQ - 3
'Monitoring failed' in Proximity Example
#274 opened by IncognitoCore - 3
ESTMonitoringV2Manager not detecting beacons
#262 opened by ademars94 - 1
- 2
- 0
Setting pin high not working (location beacons)
#250 opened by garymansted - 12
iOS 10 ESTBeaconConnection - CLBeacon Error
#233 opened by gnazarkin - 2
Bluetooth message
#238 opened by yamila-fraiman