Compiler errors when using EstimoteSDK in Xcode 9.4
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Basic information
Estimote iOS SDK version: 4.27.0
iOS device(s) affected: N/A
iOS version(s) affected: iOS 11.0
Estimote device hardware version: N/A
Estimote device firmware version: N/A
Additional information
Xcode 9.4
Compiler error due to the Objective-C param name "and" - in files ESTDateRule.h and ESTTemperatureRule.h
Additional information
When I add #import <EstimoteSDK/EstimoteSDK.h>
to my bridging header (so I can use Estimote in swift), I get 3 compiler errors:
- ESTDateRule.h ->
+ (instancetype)hourBetween:(int)firstHour and:(int)secondHour;
- ESTTemperatureRule.h ->
+ (instancetype)temperatureBetween:(double)minValue and:(double)maxValue forNearableIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- ESTTemperatureRule.h ->
+ (instancetype)temperatureBetween:(double)minValue and:(double)maxValue forNearableType:(ESTNearableType)type;
The compiler can't seem to understand a param name of "and:" anymore - this used to work a year ago when I was using the EstimoteSDK, but now the compiler (as of Xcode 9.4) won't allow it. If I change "and:" to "andd:" then it builds - but then I have to worry about runtime crashes because the header declares a different method than what's implemented in the implementation file.